
My Daddy Dies

So it ends up that my daddy is also immortal.

Except that he dies.

He dies a lot… and frequently.

Actually, he’s not exactly immortal. He dies and then resurrects.

He resurrects… to the past… to the fucking past!

I swear he’s like Sci-Fi Jesus or something.

When he resurrects, he somehow drags me back into the past with him. Not the distant past, sometimes just a few minutes, sometimes longer, but every time he does, I end up back there with him. Is there another version of me still in the future that I just left? I’ve never run into my future-self… but I still wonder. After all, I am immortal. It’s not like what killed him can kill me.

Anyway, I have no idea how it works, but he sort of jumps back in time to some seemingly random point when he was alive except that he retains all of his memories of the time between then (now?) and when he died (dies?). Temporal grammar always gives me a headache.

Over and over again, I get to see him collapse in a heap on the floor, slide lifeless down long flights of stairs… hills… cliffs. I’ve seen him sink to the bottom of rivers, fall off skyscrapers, get eaten by a Deathclaw. He flops around like a rag doll when he gets hit with a mini nuke.

I see my daddy die. I see my daddy die over… and over… and over again.

Then poof! He resurrects and we arrive in the past and immediately go after the same enemies that just put him down. But here’s the thing… I can tell by his battle tactics that he remembers what’s going to happen. How’s that for a sentence?

He knows the future… at least, he knows what’s going to happen in the future right up to the point where we alter it. And he’s shockingly undisturbed by having this knowledge. He’s shockingly undisturbed even by dying. He’s shockingly undisturbed by a lot of things. For instance, I overheard him talking about his murdered wife and kidnapped puppy to well-at-least-it’s-not-raining Preston. And Preston is all… Yeah – whatever – I’ve promoted you to General of the Minutemen. Here’s a flair gun. Now, go help out some settlement that no one has ever heard of.

So we go.

Forget about finding his puppy.

Forget about his revenge quest.

Let’s just go help some settlers.

So we go.

Then those idiots send us to fight what seemed like an army holed up in the Corvega assembly plant.

This is where I figured out that my daddy dies.

He dies a lot… and frequently.