
Meeting new Humans

Before taking on the Deathclaw in Concord, Daddy met a few more humans. The mechanic guy is fun to hang out with. He’s ok. The one named Preston is the guy that sent me to look for help a while ago. He’s a bit on the needy side; he keeps staring at my daddy’s crotch like he smells something there. I’m going to need to keep an eye on this.

Then there are the others.

Oh my dog what a mess this group is.

How they’ve stayed alive for this long, I have no idea. The old lady is a junkie. Daddy can’t find enough Jet to stay in battle but somehow she can find enough to stay addicted. Something is very wrong with this world.

The other two are a sad-sack and a whiney bitch. Daddy doesn’t like them either. Alas, the two of them also appear to be immortal… maybe not immortal but certainly impervious to bullets… and tire irons… and grenades. Marcy complains all the time… all… the… time. Daddy told her to shut up or he’d shoot her. She didn’t. He did… and…


Not even a scratch.

I hate them.