
I am Magic

Today I discovered that I have magical powers.

My daddy decided that even though he can resurrect himself, he’d rather not die so frequently. Something about the time it takes to travel into the past annoys him… he keeps muttering something like “the new Hybrid Drive really should have make this go faster”. From my perspective, it’s instantaneous. I’ve no idea what he’s complaining about.

Anyway… he said he knew of a really powerful weapon that would come in handy. He said he couldn’t get it himself and he needed my help. Of course I’ll help you Daddy. I love you [woof wag wag wag]. I love you. I love you. I love you. So we hiked over to the place where he spent the last 200 years sleeping… or frozen… or in hibernation… or something. He’s not big on explaining things; he didn’t even explain how I was suppose to help. He just brought me into this room with a big desk in it, led me over to a cabinet, and told me to go find anything useful. Useful? Like what? Like what?!?… Then…Poof!

This gun… thing… I guess it’s a gun… yeah a gun… just appeared in my mouth. Wierd!

Then just as quickly it disappeared. Yet somehow, my daddy managed to take it from me… but from where? It was in my mouth. Then it wasn’t. Then my daddy had it.

Here’s the magic part. The cabinet was locked; locked tight. The lock was so strong and complicated that even my daddy… who is a god… couldn’t pick it. But I was able to pick it. I was able to pick it with my… what?… my dewclaw? Honestly, I don’t even remember doing it. But I must have done it. My daddy wouldn’t have needed my help if he was able to do it himself. He brought me here just for this purpose. I must have done it.

Oh my dog! I am immortal and I have magic lock-picking powers!

I am awesome!

Daddy says that now that we have this new gun, we can start looking for his puppy without getting our asses kicked… as much.